本日一件のみ。 雲竜。 少しづつ。 で、本日終了。 明日の新規の龍の構想を練ります。 Only as for the today work. A dragon ascending to heaven. A little. Thus it is finished today. I work out a design of the tomorrow's new dragon.
本日二件目。手彫りで進めています。 平家蟹を独特の色使いでぼかしました。 浮世絵の青をイメージしています。 で、本日終了。 Today the second case. I can go ahead by hand-carving. I shaded off a mask crab with a unique color trainer. I image the blue of the ukiyoe print. Well, it is finished today.
本日一件目。 鯉と波額。 想像通りのいい流れが出ています。 頑張りましょうね。 新規で背中にマリア観音のご依頼をお受けしました。 ありがとうございます。 It is the first case today. A carp and the GAKU of wave. An expected good flow is given. I will do my best. I was new and accepted a request of Goddess of Mercy in the shape of the Virgin Mary to a back. Thank you.
本日一件目。 左のかいなに合わせて龍。 彫俊一門の見切りとは違いますが、 勉強させてもらっています。 Today the first case. A dragon in left chest. This is different from the MIKIRI of the HOROTISHI style, but study.
本日二件目。 お客さんの都合によりキャンセル(TT) 私事で、新宿警察に行って来ましたw で。本日終了。 美勇水滸伝、倶利伽羅剣五郎。 Today the second case. It is canceled by the circumstances of the visitor(TT) It is finished today. In w which went to the Shinjuku police by a private affair. It is finished today. Biyu SUIKODEN, Kurikara sword Goro.YOSHITOSHI.
Today the first case. The shading off of the Chinese phoenix. I can go ahead with a color on the basis of the rouge et noir generally. I advance steadily. Let's do its best.
本日二件目。 手彫りで進めいていますが、 手彫りの針の調子が悪く、ほんの30分ほどの施術となりました。 来週はちゃんと確認しておきます。 すみません(^-^;) で、本日終了。 Today the second case. Advanced by hand-carving, and there was it, but I had something wrong with the needle of the hand-carving and just became a surgical operation of approximately 30 minutes. I will confirm it properly next week. I'm sorry. (^ - ^;), it is finished today.
本日一件目はForeign designにて公開。 で、ふくらはぎに施術予定の鯉の下絵。 The first case shows it in Foreign design today. Well, it is the sketch of the operation planned carp on a calf.
本日一件のみ。 20年以上前の左腕の刺青にあわせて 絵を描きました。 順調に進んでいます。 Only as for the today work. I drew a picture to the tattoo of the left arm more than 20 years ago. I advance smoothly.
本日、急用のため臨時休業しました。 暮れになるとあれこれ忙しく、 ご迷惑をおかけいたします。(^-^;) I was closed for urgent business temporarily today. I take a nuisance busily this and that when I go down. (^ - ^, )
明日は定休日です。 Today the second case. A Kintaro continuance. Slightly a little carefully. Well, it is finished today. The farewell party of the acquaintance of from now on French journalist.
本日二件目。 久しぶりの雲龍でしたが、 お客さんの体調不良のため、キャンセル。 丁寧に進めていきますから、またお越しください。 で、本日終了。 下絵作業。 Today the second case. It was a cloud dragon after a long absence, but, for poor physical condition of the visitor, cancels it. Because I can go ahead carefully, come again. Well, it is finished today. Sketch work.
本日二件目。 一件目はForeign designで、公開。 昔、彫った小さな龍に、 江戸ひかえ。 後一回つきなおしで終了です。 Today the second case. The first case shows it in Foreign design. To the small dragon which I carved in old days, it is Edo Hikae. It is the end with back mute with it once. Finish today.
で、本日終了。 Today the second case. The god of the wind. It began at last. I advance for a good feeling. The remainder is a design, a leaf of the willows in a look and bag of winds.